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For Academics

Lexogen Quantseq library prep

Protocol to prepare 3' RNA libraries. Modified from the Lexogen protocol to use 1/4 reactions.

The numbers in gray refer to electronic repetitive pipetting.

The elutions are in larger volumes than 1/4th.

The first step could use less concentrated RNA samples, so that water is not needed. The Qiagen Plant RNA extraction kit elution volume of 60 µl should be sufficient with typical Mimulus leaf extractions.

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Sex chromosome papers RSS

Sexual Dimorphism in Sex Hormone Metabolism in Human Skeletal Muscle Cells in Response to Different Testosterone Exposure

The genome sequence of the Sandhill Rustic moth Luperina nickerlii (Freyer, 1845) subspecies leechi Goater, 1976

The genome sequence of the yellow-girdled Dasysyrphus, Dasysyrphus tricinctus (Fallén, 1817)